Professor Oak's Lab
UNOFFICAL Pokemon Decks


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UNOFFICAL Pokemon Decks
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Cardcaptors Aaah!

Have a deck ya wanna share with the world? If ya do, email me and I'll put it up. Give me the deck's name, number of Pokemon(each card and all together), Trainers(each card and all together) and Energy(each card and all together). Also tell what the deck is about.

Email Professor Oak's Deck Department

"Super Headaches" By Professor Oak
4 Psyduck(Fossil)
4 Dark Golduck
2 Mr. Mime
2 Scyther
2 Spearow
1 Fearow
4 Energy Removal
3 PlusPower
4 Potion
2 Nightly Garbage Run
2 The Boss' Way
2 Super Energy Removal
2 Gust Of Wind
2 Rainbow
2 Double Colorless
31 Psychic

What's the Use of It?:
This is a deck made to played for fun and to win! Using Dark Golduck's Super Psy to damage big and many trainers will stop your opponent dead!

(LabMan is sleeping!!)